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Disco Party
The DellsNo Way Back1976
15:43Crown Heights Affair Love Me
15:36Vin Zee Funky Be-bop
15:33Cerrone Call Me Tonight

Northern Soul

Northern Soul, Unknown Classics Of The Soul Music

Every Day at 11:00, 14:00, 17:00, 20:00 CET, We Play NORTHERN SOUL, The Unknown Classics Of The Soul Music. An event not to be missed! All Songs selected By Piero Tarantola. An exclusive selection of hard to find songs from our collection. The Northern Soul was a very popular genre in the North of England in the sixties and seventies. Initially, it was like the American Soul Music and R & B. He later became a true genre unto itself. The main places where you could hear were The Torch, The Wigan Casino and The Blackpool Mecca, and the main DJ were Ian Levine of The Mecca (1971-80) and the trio Kev Roberts, Russ Winstanley and Richard Sterling of The Wigan Casino' (1973-81).©
