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Disco Party
Roberto De Simone2â° Coro Delle Lavandaie1976
15:25Linda Clifford Shoot Your Best Shot
15:20L.a.x I Don't Wanna Be Undercover
15:16Michael Jackson Don't Stop 'till You Get Enough (original Demo

Internet Radio

The New Frontier Of Music Is Internet Radio, Anywhere, Anytime.

Pure One Flow, the wireless portable sound system and radio, offers a great sound and is also easy to use, with an 

intuitive interface and context buttons. 

Pure One Flow is one of many new wireless devices that allow you to listen to music in wi-fi streaming directly from the Internet, in addition to allowing listening to DAB digital platform. 

Studioradio is present on 'Pure Connect' platform : just connect a simple wi-fi home internet with one of the devices Pure, then do a search of our radio on the digital display, and you can listen right away our 'vintage classics' from your appliance, as if it were a traditional portable radio. 

By car instead, through the Bluetooth connection, you can stream music without wires, connecting your phone or tablet to your stereo system of your car, through the dedicated app. If you are the lucky owners of a modern car, the Internet access will be guaranteed directly by touch screen supplied. 

In the picture above : 'One Flow', the portable radio of 'Pure' that lets you listen Studioradio, besides other 25,000 Internet Radio user's choice.

